On contact with sun our skin immediately produces the brown pigment melanin in order to protect itself from skin damage caused by UV rays. Exposure to sun can therefore be prolonged...

On contact with sun our skin immediately produces the brown pigment melanin in order to protect itself from skin damage caused by UV rays. Exposure to sun can therefore be prolonged...
The well-known and highly effective insect repellent diethyl toluamide (DEET) is mainly used for travel to the tropics. But also essential oils have a repellent effect.
Mostly semi-solid oil-water-emulsions, their function is primarily the care and protection of dry and rough hands. For the regeneration of highly stressed hands we also...
These conditions are usually protracted. Athlete's foot can usually be treated early-on with lotions, drops, sprays and solutions, Onychomycosis, however, frequently...